Trapezium in M42
Camera: Finger Lakes Instrumentation MicroLine ML8300 with FLI CFW-2-7 Filter Wheel
Mount: Paramount ME
Scope: Supernova Astrograph - 12.5" Zambuto - My Design
Colors: Ha
Exposure Time: 60 x 30 seconds
Post-Production: MaxIm DL, CCDStack, PixInsight, and Photoshop CS5
I wanted to test the optics in my new Supernova Astrograph, so I pointed it at the Trapezium area to see what I could get if I stacked a group of 30-second images. This is the result. I can clearly make out the A, B, C, D, E, F, G, one of the H's, and the I star. Not too bad!