NGC3718 and Lots of Friends
Camera: Finger Lakes Instrumentation MicroLine ML8300 with FLI CFW-2-7 Filter Wheel
Mount: Paramount ME
Scope: Supernova Astrograph - 12.5" Zambuto - My Design
Colors: L:R:G:B
Exposure Time: 30x10 minutes L: 30x5 minutes each RGB
Post-Production: MaxIm DL, CCDStack, PixInsight, and Photoshop CS5
Careful inspection of the full field of view for this sharp composite image reveals a surprising number of galaxies both near and far toward the constellation Ursa Major. The most striking is clearly NGC 3718, a warped spiral galaxy found near picture center. NGC 3718's faint spiral arms look twisted and extended, its bright central region crossed by obscuring dust lanes. A mere 150 thousand light-years to the left is another large spiral galaxy, NGC 3729. The two are likely interacting gravitationally, accounting for the peculiar appearance of NGC 3718. While this galaxy pair lies about 52 million light-years away, the remarkable Hickson Group 56 can also be seen clustered just below NGC 3718. Hickson Group 56 consists of five interacting galaxies and lies over 400 million light-years away. (Text from APOD)